yet again in trouble !


Photo0035On the way home yesterday morning, after a 7 mile walk,  I managed to escape for 20 mins. Mummy went crazy I could hear her shouting like a lunatic, didn’t she know I was just rabbiting, she finally found me after I was exhausted and tired out, I then had to walk back home in disgrace.

At home I was a bit naughty charging around the house, mummy was quite terse with me.  In the end mummy took me for another walk around the Marina.  The tidal barrier was down, which was of interest to mummy.  Afterwards we went to the Olde Black Boy, we were most surprised when a birthday party turned up, all wearing novelty spectacles !

So today I have to be good, but guess what ?  Amber came home at 2.30am, what a surprise, so after this morning’s walk I will be able to jump on her bed !

As for daddy he has a busy day today at East Coast Bicycles and playing Bicycle Polo this afternoon. Think mummy mentioned making a apple cake, look forward to that.

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