What A Very Cute Puppy

Just had a visit from a very very cute puppy called Mogley, he was so small!

I think he liked my new coat too.

I love it when friends come to visit, made my day.

love Lilly x

Cold Today


It’s pretty chilly today so I thought I’d wear my new tweed coat. Katie hasn’t seen me in it yet so I thought I’d show her how cute I look. I could be a super model looking like this.

Dads just taking me for a walk to the bank, it’s nice and sunny now but still really cold so glad I’m wrapped up.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Speak soon x

Inspirational Reading

My mummy is trying to read Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina but I’ve got other ideas for the book !  At least I can rest my heavy head, not sure what’ll happen when mummy gets half way through !

My new winter coat !

Don’t I look Dapper in my new winter coat, handmade by ‘The Grumpy Grouse’ made from tweed and wax cotton.  Thanks to ‘Tide All’s pop up shop at UMU .

I think my mummy is jealous !  maybe I’ll get a new lead for xmas !

Pearson Park

This morning I went with mummy to look at the ‘Love Zebra’ well I thought Zebra’s are black & white, mummy said it used to be and before that I was a horse.  I was a bit confused !

Then I chased some ducks but the geese come towards me, I was a bit scared and mummy said’ it was time to go’.

Back to the shop and happy to be back in my bed !

Walk in the park

Today mummy took the van and me and Daddy had to walk to the shop. In the park I met 3 little dogs. 1 dog was a bit growly and being sniffed by 3 dogs was a bit scary. I liked the little dogs though.

We walked all the way to the shop and my little legs were a bit tired by the time we got there and my underbelly was a bit wet. I soon got in my bed and had a snooze :)